Strategic Thinking and Planning
Figuring out how to get from here to there is what gets us excited. Working together, we examine forces that will impact you, consider your mission and core purpose, explore opportunities and future vision, and define the key strategies and tactics that will inform an action-oriented path forward.

Value-Based Care and Population Health
CMS wants all Medicare beneficiaries in a value-based arrangement by 2030. Where does that leave you? What options do you have? Aging services will play a pivotal role in population health, but we have to get ready, understand our value, and start building as soon as possible.

Operational and Performance Improvement
More than ever, leading organizations must leverage an efficient operating model and a strong financial position to grow high-performing lines of business, optimize quality, solve workforce challenges, increase technology adoption, and position more readily for scale and risk.

Resizing, Repositioning, and Redevelopment
For many, what got us here won't get us where we need to go. Maybe it's time to downsize, exit a line of business, or expand an existing one. Any of these options must invite careful consideration, both operationally and strategically.

Community-Based Models
The next 15 years will be all about care, service, and support in homes and the community. But making a carbon copy of somebody else's approach may not work for you. Understanding your organization, market, and customers is key to unlocking and launching your solution.

Care Coordination and Care Management
Care coordination and management sit at the intersection of primary, acute, post-acute, and community-based care. For older populations, aging services organizations are uniquely positioned to excel and create value in this space.